docker build
docker build -t IMAGE[:TAG] . # build image from in-place Dockerfile
docker run
docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE[:TAG] [CMD] # run a container from image (and run the command)
-d # detached mode
-it # invoke an interactive tty
-P # publish all EXPOSE ports
-p HOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT # map a container port to docker host
-v VOLUME:CONTAINER_PATH # mount volume on container path
--network NETWORK # connect to a network
--name CONTAINER # name the container
--rm # one-off mode, auto remove from docker ps after exited
docker attach
docker attach [OPTIONS] CONTAINER # attach to a detached container
--detach-keys=KEYS # assign a detach key like ctrl-b
To detach from a running container: press detach keys, default is ctrl-p
docker exec
docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER CMD # run the command in a running container
-t # run in tty then exit
-it # run in an interactive tty
docker ps
docker ps [OPTIONS] # list all running containers
-a # list all recorded containers (running/paused/exited)
-q # quiet mode, container_id only
docker inspect
docker inspect DOCKER_OBJECT # print object info in json format
# - image
# - container
# - volume
# - network
docker image
docker build ... # build a new image
docker images [FILTER] # list all images, alias of docker image ls
docker pull IMAGE[:TAG] # pull an image from docker hub
docker tag IMAGE[:TAG] NEW_IMAGE[:NEW_TAG] # rename an image
docker image rm [-f] IMAGE # remove an image
docker image prune -a # remove all unused images
docker history IMAGE[:TAG] # print how the image was built
docker container
can be container_id (short-form OK) or container_name.
docker run ... # new a container
docker ps ... # list container status
docker stop CONTAINER # as it says
docker kill CONTAINER # as it says
docker start/restart CONTAINER # as it says
docker pause/unpause CONTAINER # as it says
docker logs [OPTIONS] CONTAINER # print stdout of container
-f # follow mode
-n N # only tail N lines
docker port CONTAINER [PORT] # show port mapping info
docker rm [-f] CONTAINER # remove record from docker ps
docker rm $(docker ps -aq) # remove all records from docker ps
docker volume
docker volume create VOLUME # create a volume
docker volume ls # list all volumes
docker volume rm [-f] VOLUME # remove a volume
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q) # remove all volumes
docker network
Network has multiple types (a.k.a. drivers) [Reference] :
- bridge: communicate among containers only, publish specific ports to docker host, the default type.
- host: directly expose on host machine, publish options are ignored.
- null: no network provided.
docker network create -d DRIVER NETWORK # create a network of specific type
docker network ls # list all networks
docker network connect NETWORK CONTAINER # connect a network to container
docker network disconnect NETWORK CONTAINER # disconnect a network to container
docker network rm NETWORK # remove a network
docker system
docker system df # list all disk usage
docker system prune [OPTIONS] # the BEST way to clean up unused resources
-a # with all unused images
--volumes # with anonymous volumes
docker compose
file is wanted in working directory. -
in compose is equivalent tocontainer
docker compose config # print info of in-place compose.yaml
docker compose build # build images defined in compose.yaml
docker compose up [OPTIONS] # start current compose
-d # detached mode
--build # rebuild images (if needed) then restart
--no-start # create services only but don't start
docker compose down [OPTIONS] # the BEST way to stop compose
-v # also remove created volumes
--rmi local|all # also remove local built images by current compose / all built and pulled images
docker compose images # list images used by current compose
docker compose ps [-a] [-q] [--services] # list services used by current compose
docker compose start/stop/restart [SERVICE] # as it says
docker compose pause/unpause [SERVICE] # as it says
docker compose kill [SERVICE] # as it says
docker compose logs [-f] [-n N] [SERVICE] # print/follow stdout in service
docker compose run SERVICE CMD # run a one-time command in a new service, not the running one
docker compose rm [OPTIONS] [SERVICE] # remove stopped service from ps
-s # stop and remove
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